Thursday, March 22, 2007

First Show

Ben and Tony talk about the ps3s slow death as well as the xbox360s uprising.

Click here to download

1 comment:

TecHbOi said...

koo but needed more info on the sub i the prices.and overall techy attributes like ben said about the ps3's blu ray..and how sony is like all look the ps3 uses bluray for the disks..when u cant....and how u included the wii as a piece of shit..wii's sales are rite ther next to the 360's...yah the graphics cant compare to the 360..still a great machine for the kiddys..and since thasts nintendos goal in the market to the kids between 8 to 13 then i think they did their job....more advanced gamers like me and you..would obviously choose the more advanced console...

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